miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2009


today it has been a great day!!!!!.

i went to my job,

and i just worked for an hour,

and my call time were 9:50 minutes!.

school....it was good,

i teached class for esenogrhaphy, and i belive i did it well,

im still a dreamer, right now i just made a whysper, thinking.....

about who?. well, guess who!!!

a boy who drives me crazzy, a very handsome boy.

his skin is dark,his eyes are brown, he is tall, handsooooome, just the way he is,

just the way i love!!, his name? hehehe, i wont tell, im afraid that he could read this.

he is my friend, and i love that fact, my god! a feeling woke up from me, it made me happier,

i just started to feel something very beautyful, i guess i have never felt this way before, or maybe i had that feeling before he huged me, but now that feeling grew up.

god! i feel so good, im so happ

hoja particular del diario de chiva

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